After over 40 years of practice, there are successful holistic management practitioners spread across the globe, from Canada to the tip of Patagonia, and from Zimbabwe to Australia to Scandinavia. Where managers were once frustrated by their situation, blaming the government, weather or markets for their predicament and the land’s degradation, they now have hope and a sense of optimism about the future. They have learned they can manage holistically and make a difference on the land and in their families and communities for generations to come.
For example, the picture here shows the Kariegasfontein ranch in Aberdeen, South Africa belonging to Norman and Jennie Kroon. The Kroons received training and advice on holistic management in 1977. They have kept going since then and this is the boundary between theirs and a neighboring ranch. The Kroons’ ranch carries one animal to 18 hectares while the neighbour carries one to 28 hectares. Even more impressive is that the rainfall here is low and erratic – 8 inch average (240 mm) and has been as low as 1.9 inches (less than 50 mm).
Why Holistic Management Is Successful
Practitioners don’t need large amounts of capital or expensive technology to start using this nature-based solution.
Highly scalable
Holistic management is readily deployable and works for any culture or landscape.
Practitioners who use holistic management bring their land and water back to life while creating social and financial wealth.
Practitioners who use holistic management have seen their production commonly double or triple, increasing their profits and financial well-being.